Personal Actual Death Experiences

The process of physical death advances in a sequence of stages: Death does not transpire in just one single moment, as once believed by the majority mindset. It is an exceptional peaceful and painless process in a tranquil transitioning of consciousness in which we maintain complete awareness during its progression. It is crucial to emphasize that when I mention the painlessness of death, I am specifically referring to what is commonly known as a ‘natural death,’ excluding any form of suicide or unnatural circumstances. To those individuals who hold fears or concerns regarding death or the process of dying, I genuinely hope that my personal encounters can provide some measure of comfort.

Before each Actual Death Experience, the first thing I notice is a change happening inside my head. It’s like a sudden wave flowing around, similar to the feeling of drifting off to sleep but more intense and obvious. I know I am going to have an ADE as I feel myself slipping deeper and deeper into myself. The level of awareness I am experiencing now is profound. I can perceive all the sounds and sights in the room, yet I know my eyelids are closed, and I am lying down. Occasionally, I will hear my thoughts commanding ‘Wake-up, wake up!’ but I cannot physically follow through on the command.

As the level of unconsciousness deepens, I become aware of a change in my heartbeat. I perceive a gradual slowing of my heartbeat and a shallowness in my breathing. At this stage, I feel the area of my throat becoming tight, as if, it is closing upon itself.

The final stage of change before the actual separation, [the physical death] is within my brain. I have the sensation my brain is shutting down. This part happens very quickly in a consecutive sequence of four different points, and it is always in the same order. It is as if someone has flipped a switch, and the light goes out. The first part to shut down is the top right-hand side of my brain, quickly followed by the bottom right-hand side: Then the top left-hand side, followed by the bottom left-hand side. The best way to describe this part of the process is to imagine you are dunking yourself underwater. As your head submerges, your senses suddenly feel blocked and out of coordination.

The instant the last part of my brain switches off, I feel the experience of my consciousness dividing and ascending, giving me the impression of floating upwards and away. Occasionally, depending on my view, I catch sight of my own physical body below. During this condition of complete separation, I can move about unrestricted. Although a pathway with a tunnel of radiant light is not always within sight, it tends to manifest itself more frequently than not.

I will then have an Actual Death Experience where I will meet with my loved ones who I know are no longer of a physical life. In some instances, I encounter unfamiliar individuals, who are essentially the embodiment of other souls, with whom I have no prior acquaintance in my physical life. When the Actual Death Experience is of an end, the stages that then occur are also always in the same sequence. Firstly, I have the awareness of being back inside my physical body; the same sensation as before my consciousness separated. Occasionally, I will have thoughts such as ‘move’ and ‘get up’ but I am aware my physical body remains unresponsive.

The following phase transpires very rapidly. I focus on the centre back of my brain. I then have the sensation of hitting a brick wall, [thudding against something solid]. I sense a loud bang and a ball of electrifying energy of light appears [like a bright spark]. I sense the ball of light rushing down inside my physical body [down the spinal column]. I then sense the ball of rushing energy making direct contact with my heart, striking my heart like an electrifying bolt of lightning. As this profound connection occurs, my physical body reacts with spasmodic movements.  

My late Father – John Gilmour.

In an Actual Death Experience, I found myself passing through the tunnel of light. In the distance, I saw the figure of a man walking towards me. I knew instantly it was my late father, John Gilmour, who passed over in 1982. His appearance was the same as when he passed over, aged fifty-two years old. A sudden surge of love filled my entire senses. I loved my father dearly and I had truly missed him. Now his presence before me was overwhelming. I wanted to hug him and ask him so many questions, but I couldn’t as I did not seem able to communicate with him. I sensed I was purely there to listen.

There was no verbal exchange, but I heard my dad say the words, “Learn to do as you are told, Beverley.” After this, he just stood there without any other communication being exchanged between us.  I sensed an emotion of confusion sweeping over me. ‘What did he mean?’ I didn’t understand. Why did he not speak of how much he loved me and missed me? Why did he not say I was not to worry about him as he was at peace and happy?  Did he not know I was always thinking about him? The thoughts of confusion seemed endless. While observing him, I had the sensation he was staring straight at me but at the same time, I could see that our eyes were not making contact. His gaze seemed to be focused to my left. I also noticed he seemed to be en-framed in something that looked almost three-dimensional.


I stood gazing around at my surroundings. The mountains of clouds folded into each other, blanketing my view in every direction. I was a lone figure amidst a sanctuary of light. I reached down and trailed my hand through the soft, flowing velvety white clouds. As my hand gently passed through the smoothness, the clouds scattered in slow motion, floating upwards and drifting along in the air. I was able to make things move here in this world. In a world where I was standing in the Spirit. The existence of life without the physical body. I belonged to this world. I had finally returned home. There was not a sound to be heard. The stillness of silence lingered all around me, yet I knew, I knew I was being touched by the very essence of life itself. Sensing the glorious setting of harmony, I felt at peace here in this world. I did not want to close my eyes upon the beauty before me; not wanting, even the darkness of a blink of the eye to take me away from this spiritual utopia. 

Alerting my attention, I caught sight of a small group of people in the distance walking towards me. I could hear them individually speaking to me through the vibrations of their footsteps. I knew only, not to concern myself with thoughts questioning their identity, for everything would be revealed to me and I had nothing to fear. Within moments they were standing by my side, and they gathered around me in a horseshoe circle. I noticed they were all male, and dressed in long, off-white flowing robes. Without any vocal sound being made, I heard one of them say, “We are the true disciples of Jesus.” I remained silent. I understood his words, but I was not able to utter a sound.

Suddenly, the sole figure of a man walked out from behind the clouds. He stepped forward and stood directly in front of me. His presence emanated a majestic aura, which bestowed an immense beauty of magnificence. The sudden sense of ‘knowing’ captured my entire being. Instinctively, I knew this man was Jesus, yet still, I was unable to say anything. I became aware of His disciples gently guiding me within my thoughts: Honour the Son of God. Immediately I lowered my head to bow respectfully before Him, and finally, I was able to speak, “Are you, my Lord Jesus?” I heard myself asking Him. I don’t know why I asked Him this question. I knew without uncertainty He was Jesus. There was no mistaking the ambience I felt in His presence – the purity of unconditional love, asserting great authority. Then he spoke, “Why do you ask, Child, do you not know?” His tone was commanding, yet also soothing. I fell to my knees, overwhelmed with remorse. Why had I asked such a foolish question when I knew who He was? Did I truly have so little faith in my own senses? 

Jesus then placed a large wooden cross in the form of a necklace over my head. The height of the cross touched my knees, and I heard him say, “Do not be afraid Child, for you shall always be protected.”  

There I remained on my knees, surrounded by His disciples as Jesus turned and walked back into His heavenly paradise.  A moment later, I was back in my physical body and regaining consciousness. It may have been minutes or even hours later. I do not know for certain how long it takes for me to return to my physical body after an Actual-death experience. The concept of time seems to have no significance over the events occurring when I am in the Spirit, regardless of whether I am having the Actual-death experience or I am back in my physical body. The only indication suggesting my Actual-death experiences are not all of the same duration is in how long it takes for my recovery process to be complete after the ADE has finished. When I have regained consciousness, I can’t just sit up or get straight out of bed. Sometimes, it can take me up to an hour or even several hours before I have the full use of my physical limbs again…