Energy of Human Consciousness

If we can gain knowledge consciously through different methods, such as engaging in conversations with others, reading books, or watching television, it is worth considering the possibility that a heightened state of consciousness could assimilate knowledge through telepathic means. However, it is important to clarify that this does not refer to a direct transfer of ‘thought to thought,’ but rather the concept of ‘one form of energy absorbing another form of energy.’ By delving into the mysteries of the mind and exploring the potential of heightened consciousness, we may uncover new ways to expand our understanding of the world and ourselves. The implications of this research could be profound, leading to a deeper connection with our inner selves and a greater sense of unity with the world around us.

According to science, everything is energy and humans are no exception to this rule.

In other words, people are also subject to energy transformations.

Scientific Theories.

The University of Bielefeld, Germany carried out research showing that plants can absorb energy from other plants. The study, led by the German biologist Olaf Kruse, examined energy behaviour in algae, particularly in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The results, published on, revealed that this plant has another source of energy in addition to photosynthesis – energy absorbed from other algae.

Energy Transmissions in Plants and Humans

According to Olivia Bader-Lee, a physician and therapist, who followed the results of this investigation, our bodies behave like sponges, absorbing energy that surrounds us. “This is exactly why there are people who feel uncomfortable when they are in a certain group with a mixture of energy and emotions. The human body is very similar to a plant that sucks, absorbs the energy needed to feed your emotional state, and can energize the cells and increase the amount of cortisol and catabolize, feed the cells depending on the emotional need.” Bader-Lee believes that this exchange of energy could be extremely beneficial for humanity in general. Taken that a spirit is also energy, paranormal phenomena are nothing but expressions of different energies.

Despite the fact that every ancient nation was well aware of this phenomenon, science has somehow chosen to ignore the issue. There are barely a handful of scientists at present who can tackle this issue, with the majority of their fellow colleagues still ignoring it for fear of criticism and rejection by the scientific community. Could this discovery potentially have a significant influence on the future presenting the proof that individuals can derive energy from others in a similar manner? The science that studies energy behaviour in living things is called bioenergetics.

The Case of Saint

From a scientific perspective, the Case of Saint may be considered an interesting case study, with its longevity and thorough documentation raising thought-provoking questions about Human Consciousness.

Blackpool County Court, Lancashire. 1997 – 1999

Saint -v- Lancashire County Council [defendant]

Saint -v- Lancashire Area Health Authority [defendant]

Saint -v- Third Party [defendant]

The Judge’s chambers at Blackpool County Court were unusually crowded, with a total of 12 individuals seated around the table in front of the judge. Typically, one would only expect to see a maximum of five people, including the judge, in such a setting. However, due to the presence of three exceptionally proficient barristers and eight solicitors, additional seating had to be arranged to accommodate all parties present.

The Northern Circuit’s four regular district judges had presided over the case multiple times since its initiation. Although the proceedings were informally conducted ‘in chambers,’ the case itself held considerable importance, as it encompassed a claim for substantial damages amounting to 20 million pounds and it was on the verge of being transferred to the High Court. The defendants were at risk of facing severe professional repercussions if they were unable to achieve a favourable resolution in the litigation. The defendants were oblivious to the fact that I was acting without full awareness of my actions.  My intent was not governed by the pursuit of any potential financial benefits. On a conscious level, the only reason I had instigated the litigation was to prove in a court of law that ‘Man was Within the Visitation of Christ,’ [as prophesied in the Bible] which was clearly stated on my claim form at the onset of the proceedings. The scale of the damage I suffered as a consequence of the traumatic brain injury was confined to this degree.

The extent of my understanding regarding the law and legal proceedings was, at best, considerably lower than that of an ordinary person. It became evident that no solicitor would be willing to take on my case. Consequently, I had to represent myself without the support of any advocate to articulate my position. The litigation process commenced with the initiation of legal proceedings against the Area Health Authority, supported by compelling medical evidence exposing professional misconduct. However, the Authority refused to accept the full blame and consequently, I began proceedings against Lancashire County Council. Despite the undeniable presence of Social Services records, which not only highlighted the professional misconduct of social workers involved but also resulted in their dismissal, the Council chose to adopt a stone-wall defence strategy.

Although the initial separation of the two cases, through a series of independent hearings conducted ‘in chambers’ over the subsequent months, I was able to successfully consolidate both defendants. It is reasonable to say that both defendants were incredulous at my legal success, and as each milestone was achieved, the defendants sought the assistance of additional legal experts to handle the case.  At one point, Lancashire County Council’s deceptive strategies led to their appearance in the High Courts of Justice [London].

While the defendants immersed themselves in deceptive manoeuvres and legal arguments in an attempt to dismiss the case against them, they were unaware I had initiated a claim of the same nature against a third party, and these proceedings were concurrently taking place in chambers. The intent was to unite the third defendant with Lancashire Area Health Authority and Lancashire County Council, such they discovered at the application to transfer the case to the High Court when all legal representatives were present. This comprised of three barristers, eight solicitors, and my participation. The ramifications of the third defendant being joined to the action would prove deleterious for the reputation of the public authorities; especially to the careers of the legal representatives. The third defendant was incarcerated at the time of the hearing, being a convicted paedophile, and therefore could not be physically present.

In light of the evidence that had surfaced, demonstrating the existence of ongoing favourable communications between the social worker and the third defendant, the authorities were fully aware of the need to distance themselves from any association with this individual. It was imperative for them to avoid any public perception of involvement in the matter, considering the potential consequences for their reputation.

The authorities immediately settled out of court.


The most fascinating aspect of this case lies in the fact that I was not functioning with my normal conscious awareness. While I could audibly perceive my own speech, I found myself unable to establish any connection or association with the words I was articulating. This led to a complete sense of detachment from my verbal communication.

After recovering from each episode, I would attempt to peruse the papers I had assembled, only to be overwhelmed by a barrage of questions such as, “How do I know this information? What does it mean? I don’t understand this.” The legal terminology utilized was of such immense complexity that I would find myself at the university law library, desperately searching for books that could provide me with a comprehensive understanding of the legal arguments I had prepared. The exhausting search frequently left me feeling quite foolish, much to my friends’ amusement they felt my actions were alike an impersonation of a female John Cleese…

“The grand hall of the Royal Courts of Justice, a vast room resembling a cathedral was truly breathtaking. Its interior, designed in the Victorian gothic style exuded an atmosphere of profound knowledge that could easily make anyone feel inferior and out of their depth. I knew why I was there but what I was doing was another question all together.

A female barrister, recognizing me, motioned for my attention. I focused my gaze on her as she swiftly crossed the hall towards me. Her decorative robes billowing behind her with each step.  A group of four individuals scurried after her, clearly flustered as they struggled to keep in-step with her.

Personally, I felt as though a colossal wave was on the verge of engulfing me. Her aura resembled a fusion of the former Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, and a stern headmistress. The burning pain in my head became intense as she began to speak, although her tone commanded attention, I couldn’t hear her words – the high pitch shrill in my frontal lobe was drowning out all verbal communication. Then came a total deafness and I experienced a sensation of detachment from my own body.

Then as clear as any spoken word I heard the voice inside my head say, “Let her go first.” Suddenly, I blurted out the words, “You can go first.” I forced myself to focus. ‘Why was I saying this?’

Her reaction was one of amusement as she and her colleagues burst into laughter, almost to the point of hysteria. It was clear to me that they were mocking me. In an attempt to endure the searing pain, I bowed my head and followed almost submissively into the courtroom.

We sat down at our respective places and waited for the proceedings to begin, for how long exactly I don’t know. Eventually, an inner door swung open, and the judge made his entrance. The courtroom fell into a solemn silence. We all rose respectfully, acknowledging his presence, before settling back into our seats.

My adversary stood up and I heard her thunder out the words, “My Lord.” In that precise moment, a wave of immense relief cascaded through my entire being, prompting me to briefly cast my gaze downwards towards my feet and momentarily close my eyes. During that fleeting instant, a sense of liberation flickered through my mind as I thought, ‘Thank God. I now know what to call him.’

I do not know how long I sat there as she presented her case. The next conscious memory I have is that she sat down after finishing her deliberations. I stood up and addressed the court, “My Lord. My Learned Friend…”

Following my initial remarks, silence ensued as I began to present my argument. While I was aware of speaking, I found myself unable to perceive the sound of my words or establish a connection to my verbal communication. I succeeded in my argument as the next conscious memory I can connect with is where I am standing outside the court room. The barrister’s face is distorted with an angry frown, and I hear myself cheerfully saying to her, “See you at County on Wednesday.” The next memory I have is finding myself in a deserted alleyway situated behind the Courts of Justice building where I am throwing up violently just before losing consciousness.”

Beverley Gilmour


My interest in this aspect of Human Consciousness stems from a thorough examination of journal writings spanning from April 2013 to March 2015. These journals seem to indicate that while I was in an altered state of consciousness during the court proceedings, my heightened level of awareness absorbed the legal knowledge possessed by the three barristers and eight solicitors.

Consequently, I utilized this acquired knowledge to effectively pursue legal action against them. In essence, the legal professionals were inadvertently instructing me on how to succeed in my cases against them.