Universal Feelings of Love and Peace
Individuals often report a distinct feature of an Actual Death Experience, wherein they are engulfed by overwhelming sensations of love and peace. Unlike the emotional love experienced when encountering a…
Telepathic Communication and Unity
It has been documented that communication during an Actual Death Experience involves the transmission of telepathic thoughts rather than the conventional use of spoken words. Telepathic communication may explain why…
The Life Review
The Life Review phenomenon during an Actual Death Experience is not commonly acknowledged by researchers, yet it emerges as a prominent aspect with a significant purpose. Individuals undergoing this experience…
Encountering a Deceased Loved One
This is a common characteristic of the Actual Death Experience. Many individuals find it to be the most profound aspect, as it continues to significantly impact their physical life following…
The Tunnel of Darkness and Light
Not every individual who experiences an Actual Death Experience claims to witness a tunnel of light, however, it remains one of the most prevalent characteristics associated with this phenomenon. On…